Cancer Awareness Meetings
Our dedicated campaigns highlight the importance of early detection, promote awareness of the signs and symptoms.
Awareness Meetings
The primary PNCT goal is to promote and develop awareness in members of the society at large ,about the methods of early detection which play a major role in eradicating cancer , increasing chances of survival and promoting good outcomes.
The more we know about cancer, the better the chances of detecting abnormalities before cancer develops or detecting cancer in its early stages when treatment has its highest potential for success.
Every 2-3 months PNCT hosts cancer awareness meetings.Presentations are done by medical professionals , oncology nurses , lab technologists , social workers , pharmacists etc. Presentations generally last around 40 -60min minutes including 20 minutes for questions and answers. Where possible.Some sessions benefit from being made available to one sex only .Cancer patients , families and survivors are also welcome to share their amazing stories and journeys.